Sunday 15 July 2012

I want to keep this so that I know how to behave

This is Adriel Kwok and he is 7 years old. He has moved from preschool class to
junior class in sunday school.

As i sit with him today at the service, he showed me the communication book that
he used to have in his preschool class.He told me that he want to keep it so that he
knows how to behave.

Inside the communication book, there is this "GREAT"class rule which the children
will be reminded of every sunday. It also has a summary of the lesson each sunday
to keep the parents updated.
G-eeting the teacher
R-aise your hand when you want to talk
E-ee, when it's dirty, we have to clean up
A-ttention, giving attention to the teacher
T-hank You. Say thank you when help is given

It warms my heart as i heard Adriel said that he wanted to keep the communication
book so that he knows how to behave. I think he is a relational boy, that's why he
want to keep the book.May be 1 day, his communication book will be missed place
or thrown away but my prayer for him is that he will have a real relationship with God
and wanting to obey His rules (His word).

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Double Decker Bus

The route to work is to take bus 62 and change to bus 90. I nearly miss the bus
because it came as a double decker bus. All along there is only single deck bus for
bus 90.
The daily journey to work on bus 90 is either i can't board the bus or board a bus
that's pack like sardine. As the bus travel toward my work place, many people could 
not board the bus.
By providing a bus 90 double deckle bus during peak hour was a great blessing to all
people taking this bus to work. Not only i can board the bus, i've the luxury to have a 
seat and do my reading. 
I hereby give my applauses to SBS transit such a transport for making such an flexible change.
Thank God for the invention of double decker bus.